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Preorder your 2024 Commemorative Shirt!

We are so excited for this year's event and can't wait for you to join us!  Our merchandise/shirt store is now open with the following items available for pre-order:


     >Short Sleeve Classic T-shirt (with the year and participating schools printed on back)

     >Long Sleeve Classic T-shirt (with the year and participating schools printed on back)


FDC Merchandise Store


Orders are due February 27, 2024 at midnight.


Under pickup options, please select the group you are with. Pre-ordered shirts will be in your homeroom upon your arrival to the Classic.  


We will have a limited number of Classic shirts for sale the day of the Classic, however these shirts will not have the participating schools' info or year printed on the back.  The front will have the Classic logo; the back will be blank.

Additional items available for purchase the day of the Classic:

  • Flowers

  • Candy-grams

  • Worlds Only Corn Palace Popcorn balls

  • Vinyl Stickers

  • Fan Favorite Jars will also be located near the Merchandise table

INSTAGRAM:                                            MITCHELLFRIENDDECOUP
FACEBOOK:                                MITCHELL SHOW CHOIRS ALUMNI
FACEBOOK:                             FDC PARENTS AND STUDENTS ONLY

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